KiNiNso-Koncepts is an art ensemble/dance-theatre company. It was established with the sole aim of making statement of relevance with a deep root in research making into our culture and tradition towards innovating a creatively different performance style and a story-telling technique that will not only entertain, inform and educate but challenge our audience, ourselves as human towards nation building and the need for intellectual, physical, social and cultural development.
Through the means of dance, drama, music, movement and poetry we create stories, infuse usual elements, using our body as the tool for conveying messages with a strong sense of creativity and aesthetics. Our believe and adoption of the physical and experimental theatre technique is a means of portraying Africa as a centre of social and cultural integration. We think just beyond a theme, a venue and an audience. We carve performances that educate and enrich, creating avenue for young people to explore themselves in the arts and at the same time to pass on the gospel of theatre to the younger generations and instil moral values.
Most importantly, to revive and develop the culture of theatre in Nigeria.
KiNiNso-Koncepts is an embodiment of young stars in Art who are determined to neglect the violent nature of the streets, hence, using their art for self-empowerment to project the strength of Africa in its richness in culture and striving to maintain it.

At KiNiNso-Koncepts we look at situations around us and transfer them into performances that even the handicapped would understand with the aid of dance, drama, music, movements and poetry making it accessible at conventional and unconventional performance spaces. Our vision is to have a standard repertory theatre just like our foreign counterparts whose government believe in the Art as a tool for reconstruction.
‘A nation without theatre is a voiceless nation’.
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